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​ABAR: AI architecture as alternative reality

Open event | 7 Nov 2024


Sveriges Arkitekter Skåne together with SPARK invite you to a conversation with several interesting practitioners who, in various ways, harness the generative AI image tools' ability to open up new ways of thinking in relation to image creation and space. The participants are David Selander, Peter Gustafson and designer Ebba Lindgren.


David Selander is a visual artist who teaches at KTH School of Architecture. In his artistic practice, he questions the "natural" state of nature.


Peter Gustafson is a Danish architect based in Oslo who both teaches about and uses various AI tools in his practice, Towards An Architecture of Degrowth (TAAOD), where he works, among other things, with the development of properties in rural areas.


Ebba Lindgren is an artist and designer with a concept-driven practice. In addition to designing objects and spaces, she also works on projects that reshape value chains and material processes. During the seminar, she will discuss her process and how AI tools are an integrated part of it.




Time and Place​

November 7th, 17:30 -20:00

Form/Design Center

Lilla Torg 9, Malmö


Past events

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SPARK is co-hosting the 2024 edition of Lund Architecture Symposium:


LAS24: Material Explorations

Open event | 6 March 2024


As the green transition requires a radical approach to the re/distribution of resources, the 2024 edition of Lund Architecture Symposium (LAS24) invites a cohort of progressive architectural practices to explore contemporary tendencies in space and materiality. While the construction industry accounts for nearly 40% of the global CO2 footprint – much coming from the production and waste of materials  - LAS24 will encourage a discussion around the transitory landscapes of materiality that the discipline and profession currently are facing. Moving beyond technological optimization, the symposium is interested in the techniques, mind-sets, and material practices that explores aesthetic and structural change in the formation of built environments.

We have invited the following keynote speakers for LAS24 on 6 March 2024:  

  • Teresa Blasco | Dorte Mandrup A/S | Copenhagen DK

  • Simeon Østerlund Bamford, Mathias Nørgård | ReVærk | Aarhus DK

  • Justine Bell & Jonas Djernes | Djernes & Bell | Copenhagen DK

  • Siv Helene Stangeland | Helen & Hard | Oslo NO

  • Loretta Bosence | Local Works Studio | East Sussex UK




Place: School of Architecture, A-building, Exhibition Hall

Visiting address: Sölvegatan 24, 223 62 Lund 


10:00 Introduction: Per-Johan Dahl, Anna Lavén, Max Gerthel

10:10-10:45 Keynote: Siv Helene Stangeland, Helen & Hard

10:45-11:20 Keynote: Teresa Blasco, Dorte Mandrup A/S

11:20-12:00 PANEL: Monika Jonson, Henrik Almquist, Siv Helene Stangeland, Teresa Blasco

12:00-12:45 Lunch

13:00 Introduction: Per-Johan Dahl, Anna Lavén, Max Gerthel 

13:05-13:40 Keynote: Justine Bell, Jonas Djernes, Djernes & Bell

13:40-14:15 Keynote: Loretta Bosence, Local Works Studio

14:15-14:30 Short Break 

14.30-15:05 Keynote: Simeon Østerlund Bamford, Mathias Nørgård, ReVærk 

15:05-15:50 PANEL: Anna Lavén, Max Gerthel, Justine Bell, Jonas Djernes, Simeon Østerlund Bamford, Mathias Nørgård, Loretta Bosence

15:50-16:00 Conclusion: Per-Johan Dahl

MANI-FEST @ KTH Arkitektur



2023/11/16 kl 17:00

Amöban, KTH Arkitektur, Osquars backe 5, Stockholm



SPARK gör gästspel på KTH Arkitektur


Torsdagen den 16 november är det vernissage för utställningen MANI-FEST i Amöban på KTH-A och kvällen kommer att bjuda på både samtal, uppläsningar, drinkar, snacks och musik. Samtalet kommer att ledas av professor Helena Mattsson tillsammans med Anna Lavén och Max Gerthel från SPARK. Flera av de som bidragit till MANI-FEST har bjudits in till samtalet:


Anders Berensson (Anders Berensson Architects)

Carl Fransson (studio näv)

James Hamilton, Malin Heyman (AT-HH)

Ulrika Karlsson, Cecilia Lundbäck (Brrum)

Konrad Krupinski (Krupinski/Krupinska)



Efter samtalet (ca 17:20-18:20) blir det A-BAR med dj och musik. 

Böcker kommer att finnas till försäljning.

Utställningen på KTH-A pågår t o m 30 nov.

Tack till Malin Wennerholm, KTH Arkitektur.

MANI-FEST talks and lectures



A public talk with individual presentations followed by a talk about the process of writing a manifesto. 



Anders Berensson

Moa Andrén, Tove Fogelström (AndrénFogelström)

Helen Runting, Rutger Sjögrim, Karin Matz (Secretary)


Moderator: Fredrik Torisson, LTH Arkitektur


2023/10/12 at 5:30-7pm

Place: Form/Design Center, Lilla Torg, Malmö




PAST EVENTS (In Swedish):


Fredagen den 1 september kl 16-17


Rundabordssamtal:  ”Att skriva arkitektur”

James Hamilton (AT-HH)

Cecilia Lundbäck (Brrum)

Catharina Dahl Palmér (Fabel arkitektur)

Isabell Gonzaga (HelgessonGonzaga)

Daniel Norell (Norell/Rodhe)

Carl Fransson & Thomas Paltiel (studio näv)


Moderator: Max Gerthel

Plats: SPARK



Lördagen den 2 september kl 15-16 på SPARK


Rundabordssamtal: ”Ett underkännande av samtiden”


Kayrokh Moattar (Arkemi)

Tomas Lauri (Karlsson/Lauri)

Johanna Jonsson & Albin Karlsson (Polymorf)

Helen Runting (Secretary)         

Moderator: Per-Johan Dahl

Plats: SPARK



Tisdagen den 5 september kl 14:10-14.30

Arkitekturdagen på Form/Design Center, Malmö




studio näv


Moderator: Max Gerthel


Manthey Kula lectures in Malmö and Lund
2023/03/02 at Form/Design Center in Malmö, 5:30-7pm
2023/03/08 at Lund Architecture Symposium in Lund

In conjunction with the exhibition at SPARK, the founders of Norwegian architecture office Manthey Kula, Beate Hølmebakk and Per Tamsen, will give two public lectures. The first one at Form/Design Center is an event called ABAR, organised by Sveriges Arkitekter Skåne.  The second one is a part of Lund Architecture Symposium at the School of Architecture, Dept of Architecture and the Built Environment in LTH, Lund University. 


Manthey Kula was founded in 2004 by architects Beate Hølmebakk and Per Tamsen. Hølmebakk is a graduate from The Oslo School of Architecture and Design where she now holds a professorship. Tamsen is a graduate from Lund University.


Manthey Kula’s work is widely published, represented in exhibitions, and acquired by international architecture collections. Their projects have been nominated for the EU Mies Award in 2009, 2011, 2018 and 2020. Recently both Hølmebakk and Tamsen received the Prince Eugene Medal for outstanding artistic achievement.

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SPARK Talks #8: Visions Of The Ground


2023/02/26, 3-4 pm

At SPARK, Båstadsgatan 4, Malmö


In line with our aim to discuss and conclude the ideas brought forth in the exhibitions, SPARK invites you to a finissage and artist talk with Secretary and a panel of guest critics. The talk will centre around the exhibition's proposition to open up and make the ground floor of buildings completely public, giving the space back to the citizens to explore. We will also bring up the use of architectural visualizations to project various perspectives on public spaces, something that Secretary has been researching and discussing in a number of projects since their founding in  2017. 




Kalle Landin, urban planner, White Arkitekter and founding member of CSAM

Fredrik Torisson, PhD, architect and associate senior lecturer at the Dept. of Architecture and Built Environment, LTH, Lund University. 

Helen Runting, PhD, urban planner and theorist, Secretary


Moderator: Max Gerthel, SPARK



SPARK Talks #7: Architects vs Artists


2022/06/21, 3-4 pm

At Parapeten, Sveriges Arkitekter's pergola, H22, Helsingborg


On June 21st at H22 in Helsingborg SPARK will organise a round table talk with a group of Swedish architects, artists and curators around the topic "Architects' and Artists' roles in the conceptualization of Public Space". It will be held in the Sveriges Arkitekter pergola next to the H55 Pavilion on Parapeten, opposite the SeaU Congress Centre. The talk is open to the public and will be held in Swedish. 




Jonas Elding, architect, founding partner of Elding Oscarson, member of Kungliga Akademien för de Fria Konsterna and Guest Professor, Politecnico de Milano

Edvin Bylander, architect, Our Architecture Office

Barbro Westling, visual artist and writer

Malin Zimm, Editor-in Chief of the magazine Arkitektur

Susan Bolgar, project co-ordinator, Kivik Art Centre

Jeanette Gostomski, curator for the exhibition Skala 1:1 at Sofiero Slott




SPARK Talks #6: Recollection Of Our Memories


with Mikaela Steby Stenfalk and Tove Dumon Wallsten

Modered by Per-Johan Dahl

SPARK Talks #5 with Sebastian Skovsted, Steffen Levring and Studio See-Daa



From the outset, architecture is a multisensory experience: Visual, touch, smell and sound all make up the overall impression of a space. Historically, the visual impact weighs heavier than others, because we experience architecture at so many scales, and the other senses lose their relevance at a distance. However, the sounds of the city and have fascinated thinkers and artists for centuries, and there is an awareness of its influence on our well-being as well as our memories of places.


Sound plays an important role in both the conception and experience of architecture, as highlighted in the collaboration between Johansen Skovsted and Steffen Levring in their exhibition Currents and Structures at SPARK.


By diving into the audial dimension, new worlds can be discovered. But how do soundscapes appear and how do we acknowledge them? Can we talk about authorship of sounds as we do of buildings? Can architects work consciously to accommodate and explore soundscapes in their structures? In this talk we will bring light on the relationship between sound and space.

SPARK @ SSDD 2021:

Erica Hörteborn digital lecture


During Southern Sweden Design Days in Malmö, May 27-30, SPARK participates with a digital event, (in)Formed By Wind, a film where architect and researcher Erica Hörteborn presents a kinetic, knitted design prototype that challenges and explores the textile material within architecture. Wind is both used and dampened, merging engineering, architecture, and art in the installation.


There is something intriguing in the way a textile moves in the wind. A light textile material picks up the, seemingly, random movement in the wind. Creating structures in motion with soft, billowing shapes that seem to dance. New means of expression were found through exploring the structure of the knit and its ability to create a three-dimensional effect on the surface level as well as on an architectural scale. The project is part of Erica Henrysson’s research at Chalmers, where she is working in the intersection between material, form and force. The overlap between the fields of textile, architecture, and wind.




Erica Hörteborn has a double degree: Master of Architecture and a MSc in Architectural Engineering. Since fall 2016 she is a PhD student and part of the Architecture and Engineering Research Group. Her research explores textile form, material, and production methods, as well as mathematical sketching, simulations and physical prototypes, with a focus on wind and kinetic architecture. “How can we, through the use of textiles, create architecture that use and benefit from the wind?”


SPARK Talks #4 om Ornamentets funktion. Söndag den16 maj på Zoom med: ​

  • Brrum (Ulrika Karlsson, Cecilia Lundbäck och Veronica Skeppe)

  • David Svensson, bildkonstnär

  • Max Gerthel, arkitekt och curator på SPARK.

SPARK Talk #3 Sunday Nov 22 on Zoom with:

  • Ana Goidea, architect, PhD fellow, Dept. of Architecture and the Built Environment, Lund University.

  • Jessica Abbott, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Biology, Lund University.

  • David Andréen, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Architecture and the Built Environment, Lund University.

  • Per-Johan Dahl, Associate Professor, Dept. of Architecture and the Built Environment, Lund University.

SPARK Talk #2 D Samtal om bl a den skapande människan, relationen till material, 3d printing och arbetsprocesser.


  • Ingar Brinck, professor Teoretisk filosofi Lunds universitet,

  • Polymorf arkitekter

  • Per-Johan Dahl, lektor i Arkitektur LTH

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